No business wants to go through an IRS audit.
No business wants to go through an EPA audit, either.
EPA document retention requirements are the same as IRS, three years. No one wants to go through an IRS audit and for myriad reasons, we employ the people (accounting firm, AP/AR staff), processes (generating financial statements, filing tax returns) and the technology (your accounting system) to make sure we run our businesses under GAAP guidelines. But how do you trace the waste that you ship offsite?
Hazardous waste, non-hazardous waste and universal waste. Whether you are an LQG (large quantity generator), an SQG (small quantity generator) or an CESQG (conditionally exempt small quantity generator), EPA requires you to retain all environmental records associated with these waste streams for three years.
Rice Oil & Environmental has the people, processes and technology to take care of tracing your waste from cradle to grave. From waste profiles for each waste stream, to certificates of analysis, to manifests, we have the system to retain, index and manage all of the required EPA documents so you don't have to.